Genuine Sony product, equivalent to PMW-200 camcorder. All good conditions without any damage. Bought in Dec. 2013 in Guangzhou. The package includes:
1. Sony PMW-EX280 camcorder.
2. 2 x Sony SXS-1 64Gb.
3. Sony **AC-US20 SxS Memory Card Reader.
4. two batteries for the camcorder. a BP-U30, and a BP-U60.
5. All necessary accessories.
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转让98新索尼EX280摄像机,打包出售。2013年12月购买于广州比索,机器2013年11月出厂,没有使用痕迹,包装箱及配件齐全,机器使用150小时。配两张索尼原装SXS 64G存储卡(可拍4:2:2 50Mbps高质量素材),及索尼原装**AC-US20读卡器,索尼原装电池。赠送BP-U60电池。
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