1960年Pentax asahi S3上市,1961年结束生产,后续机型为SV,日本相机生产的军事相机多为美军生产其中有尼康,佳能,拓乐普,唯宾得没有发现为美军订制的相机,通过查询资料宾得也为军方生产了2部相机型号分别为SB,SB2,对应机型为S2.S3,但是只供应日本本土军队使用。具体产量没有找到资料,国外宾得相机收藏权威网站http://www.pentax-slr.com/71760545 对此台相机有描述“This very rare SB2 was, as its elder cousin SB, sold only in japanese military camps. As the SB was a S2/S1 special version, the SB2 was a S3 version with shutter time to 1/1000 and prepared for the Light Meter. I have never noticed any of its kind on ebay. I found this sample in the Philippines. ” 相机功能正常,毕竟是老相机,快门速度需要保养,无磕碰,正常使用痕迹,带原装皮套,相机背带。附带镜头Takumar 85MM 1.8,也是一款不大多见的镜头,镜头功能正常,镜片完美,外观有正常使用痕迹,附带原装镜头前后盖和皮桶。