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    浏览:687 广东 广州 发布:2020-02-23 14:41
    【小珍品】Leica徕卡mountain Elmar 105/6.3螺口镜头jp23349->HK9720 The 105mm “Berg” (or in English, “mountain”) Elmar f6,3 lens set was one of the first telephoto lenses for the Leica. Named for its shape similar to a mountain, this little Elmar was extremely popular with outdoor photographers and remains a collectible today – especially with its original caps, shade and case. Early versions were made with nickel finish parts, and later copies were made with chromed parts. Either way, this little lens is the perfect addition to a Leica collector’s arsenal. 1931年产,由于外观像一座笔挺的山峰,故俗称mountain elmar,是徕卡的第一支长焦镜头。 产量稀少,成像锐利,成为leica迷最喜好的长焦镜头之一 外观非常新,玻璃通透,手感顺畅,联动准确, 罕见带原厂前后盖 遮光罩和原包装 接近90年的镜头有这样的状态,收藏极品之一! 特价12500人民币