Leica徕卡KE-7A+35/2+50/2+135/2.8 outfit套机HK8814
very rare black KE-7A in good and perfect working condition, produced for the US Army with contract numbers engraved on back of top cover, with standard Elcan 2/50mm no.276-0121 (very good optics, with special C42-LS.39F hood), Summicron 2/35mm no.2317274 (no special markings, near mint, caps), Elmarit 2.8/135mm no.2325974 (special sticker removed from hood, caps), incl. original outfit case (military plaque removed) and Leitz NY military ever-ready case
Sale No 37463
Condition B/A
Serial No. 1294682
Year 1972
非常罕见的KE-7A elcan 50/2套机,功能正常,还带有35/2(6枚玉),135/2.8带军方贴纸和皮箱(带美国*方贴纸)
由于这套相机是正式在美*服役的相机,非常罕见!在徕卡官方拍卖会以102000欧元(带elcan 66)售出,现主人忍痛割爱委托我店出售。。。。。。
外观成色95左右新 如图